Pros and Cons of IUD

Whether to go for this contraceptive method or not? There are always many such questions in women's minds. There are several pros and cons of IUD that may come to your mind depending on the types of contraceptive you choose. You've undoubtedly heard wonderful things about today's intrauterine devices (IUDs), but you're unfamiliar with them. With so many various types of birth control available, you're not sure which one to pick.

Different Types of IUDs

There are two types of Intrauterine Devices: hormonal and non-hormonal.

Hormonal IUDs: The most common type is the Mirena® IUD. It slowly releases a small amount of progestin, a hormone that prevents pregnancy, into your uterus. Mirena can stay in your uterus for up to 5 years and is more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy.

Non-hormonal IUDs: This type of IUD is copper and is often called a "coil" or "loop." Copper IUDs can stay in your uterus for up to 10 years and are more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy.

What are the Pros of IUD?

Let’s start with the reasons why you should opt for this contraceptive method. Here are some noteworthy pros of IUD to consider.

1. It's small that you can't even feel it

The IUD is a tiny, T-shaped device just over an inch long. Your Obstetrician /Gynecologist places the IUD in your uterus, where it remains for 3 to 12 years, depending on the type of IUD. Then, when you're ready to start a family, your doctor will remove the IUD. Two little strings attached to the IUD hang down through your cervix into your vagina. You check them every now and then to ensure they haven't dislodged from their position.

2. Long Life is one of the main pros of IUD insertion

IUDs are incredibly effective at preventing pregnancy. They're more than 99% effective. That's much higher than the effectiveness of birth control pills, which are about 99% effective.

3. IUD is hormone-free

The non-hormonal IUD doesn't release any hormones into your body. The hormonal IUD releases a small amount of progestin, a synthetic form of the hormone progesterone, into your uterus. This helps prevent pregnancy by thinning the lining of your uterus so that an egg can't implant there. It also thickens the mucus around your cervix so sperm can't swim through to fertilize an egg.

4. Low maintenance

Once you have an IUD, you don't need anything special to make it work. You don't have to remember to take a pill every day or put on a new patch each week. And you don't have to worry about your partner using a condom whenever you have intercourse.

5. No effect on future fertility

IUDs won't affect your future fertility which is one of the considerable pros of IUD for women looking to conceive in their later years. They're completely reversible, so you can get pregnant as soon as your doctor removes the IUD.

6. IUD is discreet

No one will be able to tell that you have an IUD. It stays in your uterus, so there's no need to worry about it slipping out or being visible. Women can stick to their daily routine without any worries.

What are the Cons of IUD?

The tiny intrauterine device does sound like an easy way to control birth. It does have its share of pitfalls. Here are some of the cons of IUD you must be familiar with.

1. Insertion process can be painful

The insertion process can be a bit uncomfortable. In addition, you may have some cramping and bleeding for a day or two after the procedure.

2. Side effects can be common cons of IUD insertion

The hormonal IUD can cause side effects, such as spotting between periods, heavier periods, and mood swings. These side effects usually go away after a few months. The copper IUD can cause heavier periods and cramping.

3. Risk of expulsion

There's a small risk that the IUD will be expelled from your uterus. This is more likely to happen if you have an unusually shaped uterus or if you have had a baby before. If the IUD does come out, you'll need to use another form of birth control.

4. Does not protect against STDs

The IUD causes an environment in your uterus that is hostile to sperm and reproduction. For example, your uterine lining thins, your cervical mucus thickens, or you cease producing ovulation, depending on the type of IUD.However, the IUD does not obstruct semen and sperm from entering your vagina and uterus during ejaculation. Therefore, you risk becoming infected if you have intercourse with someone who has an STD.

The lack of protection from STDs is among the serious cons of IUDs. Always use a condom in addition to your IUD if you or your spouse are at risk for STDs. Although condoms reduce but do not eliminate the danger of sexually transmitted diseases, ask your OB/GYN about other safe-sex measures.

5. There's a small risk of puncturing the uterus during insertion

There's a small risk that the IUD will puncture the uterus during insertion. This is more likely to happen if you have had a baby before or if you have an unusually shaped uterus. If the IUD punctures the uterus, you'll need surgery to remove it.


Weighing the pros and cons of IUD should help make your decision a little easier. Remember that every woman's body is different, so what works for one person might not be ideal for you. If you have any other questions about IUDs or want more information about a specific type, talk to your doctor. They will be able to help guide you through the process of choosing the contraception that's best for you.

Pros and Cons of IUD

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the disadvantages of using an IUD?

Some women report that their periods become more frequent or heavier, longer, or more painful due to the IUD. However, after a few months, this may change. It does not protect you against STIs; thus, you'll need to use condoms as well. If an infection develops while your IUD is in place, it might spread to your pelvic region and cause Pelvic Inflammation if left unchecked.

What are the pros of IUDs?

IUDs are one of the most effective means to prevent pregnancy. They're more than 99 percent successful in preventing pregnancy. They're just as effective as tubal ligation and oral contraceptives. Because there's practically no possibility of error, IUDs are one of the most efficient ways to avoid having a kid.

What is the greatest risk of using an IUD?

You are at a higher risk of getting PID if you or your partner has intercourse with multiple partners. The IUD might fall out of the uterus, called expulsion. This is most likely to happen during the first few months of use (although it can also occur later on). It may fall out when you're menstruating.

Do you gain weight from IUD?

The majority of IUD users do not gain weight. Copper, non-hormonal IUDs do not cause weight gain, whereas 5% of individuals utilizing hormonal IUDs acquire weight. Because Mirena is a hormone, it is susceptible to fat accumulation.

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