Pros and Cons of Being a Teacher

Head back to centuries ago when teachers were considered the most respectful profession. Even today, the job is considered very noble and respected in society. Teaching is not just a profession but a way of life where you impact the lives of many children and young adults. As a teacher, you have a sense of learning more with every student you teach. But what about incentives and salary? Are those good enough to choose teaching as a profession, or are there other benefits that come with it? Analyzing some of the pros and cons of being a teacher is essential for you before you step into this respected career.

What are the Pros of Being a Teacher?

As per data by Bureau of Labor Statistics, there will be a 4% increase in number of Kindergarten teachers’ jobs in the US by 2023. On the other hand, High School teachers’ jobs would have an increment of 5% by the end of the same year. If you are also willing to choose a teaching profession as your ultimate career option, why not check these key advantages of being a teacher?

1. Fulfillment

A teacher has the unique opportunity to work on nurturing minds, contributing to society, and eventually creating better citizens for our country. This is an incredibly fulfilling experience and one of the biggest perks of this job. It comes with immense satisfaction knowing you are making a difference in someone's life.

2. Respect

Teachers garner respect from students, peers, parents, and colleagues which is an invaluable perk that no other job can provide. As a teacher, you’ll be respected in your community also. If that’s something you want to cherish in your life after retirement, teaching is the right option for you.

3. Flexible working hours

Flexibility can mean different things to different people into teaching profession. You can design and customize your daily work environment based on your needs and preferences. Being flexible in teaching, you can choose your own hours, location, or teaching style. It also allows you more freedom to create engaging lessons tailored to your student's unique learning styles.

4. Vacations and Holidays

Teachers who work with students in grades K-12 typically have summers off and any holidays that their students have off. Some teachers may choose to work during the summer months by teaching summer school or offering private tutoring. If you are also a K-12 teacher, you can earn more by offering private tuitions during holidays.

5. Growth opportunities

Teaching students new things everyday also helps you learn and grow constantly. No matter how rich your experience is, you can grow your knowledge and stay abreast with the changing technology.

Staying abreast of current educational trends can help teachers create more effective lesson plans incorporating new approaches, technologies, and techniques. Teachers have access to various resources and techniques that they can adopt. Since teaching is a labor of love, they naturally value the chance to further their education and development.

What are the Cons of Being a Teacher?

Though teachers are highly respected because of their effort and dedication, you may not feel as satisfied as you should because of some factors. You must be able to cope with some of the disadvantages of being a teacher.

1. Stressful work environment

With heavy workloads, tight deadlines, and ever-changing standards, it takes immense energy to keep up with the job's demands. The pressure to adequately prepare students for their future tests and challenges can be considerable, as can the need to manage classrooms full of children with different learning styles or needs. Over time, these high-stress levels can lead to burnout, depression, and other health issues for teachers. Let’s not forget that the current political climate in many countries has put additional strain on educators. It’s due to budget cuts that reduce school resources to social pressures that leave teachers feeling unsupported or unheard.

2. Little room to Express Creativity

Most of the time, teachers are to follow what’s in the books or what they are told to teach students. The rigid educational system doesn't leave much room for creative expression when it comes to teaching activities or lesson plans, which can be quite restricting for some teachers.

3. Low pay

Teachers receive more respect than their salary compared to other professions like engineering, medicine, and business. The pay is not enough to live the life most people want. You can't save much money, and it may not be easy to make ends meet if you have children of your own or other family members who depend on you financially.

4. Long working hours

Teachers usually work over 8-10 hours daily, with very few days off despite regular holidays. During school holidays, teachers become busy preparing lesson plans for upcoming terms and additional projects such as organizing field trips or planning school functions like sports day or graduation events. This means they cannot take vacations during these times, which adds to their exhaustion.

5. Unruly students

Sometimes it's almost impossible for teachers to keep their students in line, and they have to deal with disciplinary issues. This can be quite challenging as it takes away from the valuable time needed to focus on teaching.


Every job has its own challenges and perks; and teaching as a profession, has no different story. It's doubtlessly, a noble profession where you have the opportunity to make a difference in someone's life every day and also have the flexibility of planning your own schedule and having competitive salaries. Although this job has some cons, such as stress and lack of appreciation, the pros definitely outweigh them. Ultimately, it comes down to your personal preference and whether you feel like teaching is the right profession for you.

Pros and Cons of Being a Teacher

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the disadvantage of a teacher?

Although teaching comes with many benefits, some drawbacks need to be acknowledged. These can include low pay, extended work hours, and reduced salaries during breaks. While teaching can be gratifying, it is also demanding, and teachers may find it exhausting.

Is the teacher's job good or bad?

Teachers treat all students fairly, regardless of their academic achievements and grades. Their role involves providing guidance and direction while also inspiring and shaping future generations, as previously mentioned.

What is the negative characteristic of the teacher?

The teacher does not provide challenging material to the students, takes time to grade assignments, relies heavily on video content, and frequently allows for unstructured free days. They lack creativity in their teaching approach and do not engage with other faculty or staff members. It's important to acknowledge that no teacher is perfect.

What are the problems faced by teachers?

Teachers face several challenges in the classroom, such as managing student behavior, keeping students engaged, dealing with limited resources, working within time constraints, meeting the needs of diverse learners, and coping with pressure from high-stakes tests.

Is the teaching job stressful?

Teaching can be a very rewarding career, but it also has its share of stress and challenges. Teachers are often expected to work long hours for low pay, deal with challenging students and parents, manage paperwork, develop lesson plans, and prepare for tests. It can be overwhelming at times, leading to high levels of stress.

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