Declawing your cat is what you’d think of once you see your purry friend messing with the mats, curtains, and cushion. But is it really worth doing the damage to their health? Experts suggest it can be rather more dangerous than turning beneficial for you. Here are some Pros and Cons of Declawing Cats you need to consider for your households and the kitties.
You’d certainly evaluate the pros of declawing cats with kids in the house. It can make your cat less likely to shred your couch or scratch you or your children. An AP Poll in 2011 revealed that 55% of the US cat owners said it’s okay to declaw their cats.
This prevents the cat from scratching or damaging furniture. This also stops them from killing small animals such as birds or beavers. These cats are not forced to kill, but it is their instinct.
It gives the cat a feeling of being dominated by its owner or a human that dominates the cat. This also takes away their control over their environment, and it's a strong reason to keep a cat from being declawed.
Yes, if you are cuddly with your pup, you might want to have such an experience with your furry buddy with claws. Declawing means no more scratches. Declawing reduces the cat’s ability to use its claws as a weapon. A cat would be less likely to scratch you because it no longer has the same instinct.
This is also a natural process that happens in the wild. It has been proven through research and science that this is the natural process for cats to develop a claw. Since cats cannot see their claws and know that the front of their paws has developed claws, this does not mean that your cat has lost the use of their claws; they can still scratch things with its claws. That’s how wild cats survive while using their claws for digging and preying. Their paws and nails grind but work fine well.
Some declawed cats have found ways to compensate for their handicap, and they can still do amazing things. Declawed cats can climb, jump, jump on furniture and even do a couple of tricks. These compensations are just as amazing as any other cat's abilities.
Most cat owners know that declawing cats, or Onychectomy, is a surgery to remove the claw and end bones of the cats’ toes. It is said that it's painful, even for humans. If you're still curious about it, read on to find the good, the bad, and the ugly parts. So, it’s time to consider the following cons of declawing cats.
Cats scratch to express their discomfort with an object they want off of their body. Dogs and people don't do this. Most bites by declawed cats come from other cats, but if a cat gets into a situation where he has to defend himself from a human intruder, he may bite.
Although it can be a lot of money to give up for you, your insurance, your vet, or the shelter you adopted the cat from, declawing is not justifiable on moral grounds. Declawing is the most inhumane way to keep a cat inside. If the purpose of keeping cats outside is to protect your furniture, they need to be spayed or neutered.
The purpose of declawing is to protect your furniture. If you had a cat that was necessary and appropriate, why would you want to remove its claws? If your cat is not an indoor-only cat, please reconsider declawing.
When I saw the litter of declawed cats, who are much more likely to scratch the furniture than intact cats, I knew this was a problem. And even if declawing won't cause your cat to scratch the furniture, it will cause other problems. For one thing, scratching is a form of self-soothing.
This is a valid concern. Declawing is performed without any anesthetic, which will be painful. However, the procedure itself is fairly quick. Declawing is very major surgery. Cat's have retractable claws, and that's why most veterinarians recommend declawing for the cat. Other methods include trimming the cat's claws and cold-treating them to numb them.
Conclusion on the Pros and Cons of Declawing Cats
Declawing is illegal in many cities and countries, and even where it's legal, it's usually only done as a last resort. This is because cats will typically resort to biting and scratching to defend themselves after having their paws amputated. Declawing can cause behavioral and emotional changes and lead to long-term pain or medical issues.
Declawing causes irreversible damage to a cat's toes, making it unable to defend itself or climb away from a predator. Declawing May Not Be Effective in Stopping Negative Behavior.
Declawing has far-reaching implications that many people are unaware of. The cat's actions and personality may change significantly due to the surgery. Declawed cats lose their natural means of defending themselves, turning to bite as a first resort.
The cat will be in excruciating pain when its claws are removed. The practitioner may prescribe medication to alleviate the immediate discomfort. Bleeding, edema and infection are also possibilities. According to research, 42% of declawed cats had long-term persistent suffering, with around a quarter of declawed cats hobbling.
Declawing is most effective when performed on a kitten between 6 and 12 months. Declawing kittens less than six months old heal the quickest, feel the lightest, and have the lowest risk of complications.