Pros and Cons of Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga has a long and illustrious history. Matsyendranath and Gorakshanath, two great and legendary yogis, founded a spiritual branch known as the Natha tradition in the 10th century. The Nath is a group of Tantric Masters. They claimed that Hatha Yoga, with its theological worldview, was based on a Hindu foundation and was not practical for everyone. It wasn't until the 20th century that Kundalini Yoga began to gain popularity in the West. In 1969, Yogi Bhajan brought Kundalini Yoga to the United States, and it has been growing in popularity ever since. There are several beliefs regarding its uses and benefits. This brings many to consider the pros and cons of Kundalini yoga for their good.

What is Kundalini?

Kundalini (Sanskrit) means the energy that sits at the base of your spine located at the centre of your body. This energy is considered immense power and effects that awaken your sense of awareness. When you release this spiralled energy, moving from the base to the upward direction. According to ancient Indian philosophy, Kundalini also played a pivotal role in activating the blocked Chakras (wheels of energy) along the spinal column.

The yoga practices that are performed in a series are termed as a part of Kundalini Yoga that involves Pranayama (Breathing), Dhyana (Meditation), Asana (Yoga Postures), and Mudra (Hand Gestures) .

What are the Pros of Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini (Sanskrit) means the energy that sits at the base of your spine located at the centre of your body. This energy is considered immense power and effects that awaken your sense of awareness. When you release this serpent-like Energyenergy, this Energyenergy moves from the base to the upward direction. According to ancient Indian philosophy, Kundalini also played a pivotal role in activating the blocked Chakras (wheels of Energyenergy) along the spinal column.

The yoga practices that are performed in a series are termed as a part of Kundalini Yoga that involves Pranayama (Breathing), Dhyana (Meditation), Asana (Yoga poses), and Mudra (Hand Gestures).

1. Unblocks the Energy

There are over 1400 energy centres in your body represented in the form of Chakras. These chakras are the energies spinning constantly. Blockage of any chakra causes psychological and physiological imbalances that may lead to ailments. Practising Kundalini Yoga awakens most of the blocked circular energy fields by allowing the flow of life force through them continually.

This enhances your bodily functions to produce optimum and positive results. The entire system of Yoga and Chakras is correlated to the modern sciences as these energy fields also represent the magnetic fields; in the modern age, these energy fields are also referred to as Vibes.

2. Kundalini Yoga Benefits the Nervous System

Let's separate the wheat from the chaff! Repetition of chanting Mantras while meditating invigorates the flow of positivity inwards. It is an ancient practice the Yogis performed while attaining the state of Samadhi. This practice also kept their mind calm even under harsh physical circumstances.

Continuous chanting of mantras can help you concentrate on your inner-self and release the burdening stress, eliminating the thoughts of what is relevant and what isn't.

3. Strong Will Power is one of the main pros of Kundalini Yoga

This energy helps you physically as well as mentally. Energy travelling along the spine corrects your imbalanced digestive system first, then counters your memories and self-doubts as it moves upwards. This energy is most helpful in activating your blocked or imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura), representing the Energy of the Sun.

4. Kundalini Yoga Nurtures your Thoughts and Speech

When you practice self-love, and through Kundalini Yoga, the chanting and reciting divine or positive mantras affects your senses and speech. It is commonly said that Kundalini Yogis mastered their speech and thought processes.

Some people and personalities can influence people by speaking the least yet effectively. This practice made them more positive and compassionate, even towards those who hold negativity. Once you eradicate self-doubts and negativity, you can quickly help others deal with their negative energies without being affected by them.

5. Cultivating Wise Practices are among the main pros of Kundalini Yoga

Yoga aims at keeping you conscious and morally active through sage methods. Not only to heal but to face the exceptions of life considerably and caringly. If you have been practising Kundalini Yoga for a month now, it is time you started noticing your actions and decisions pertinent to life situations.

Your self-doubt has vanished, the road ahead is clear to steer clear amidst the fog. Your brain is capable of differentiating the right path from the rumbles. You hold the power button to your life solely. And whenever you want to decide what you should do, you know the right moment to hit it right.

What are the cons of Kundalini yoga?

Yes, there can be downsides to it, and most of them may result from a lack of knowledge and precautions. Here are some of the cons of Kundalini yoga should be familiar with.

1. It can be not easy to learn

While kundalini yoga can offer many benefits, it can be not easy to learn. This is because there are a lot of different techniques involved in kundalini yoga. If you're not familiar with these techniques, it can be not easy to practice kundalini yoga correctly. To get the most out of kundalini yoga, you need to know its preliminary methods.

2. Kundalini yoga can be expensive

To get the most out of kundalini yoga, you may need to invest in expensive equipment. For example, you may need a good quality yoga mat and other supplies. If you're not willing or able to invest in this equipment, you may not be able to practice kundalini yoga properly. This could limit your ability to reap the benefits of this type of yoga.

3. Kundalini yoga can be time-consuming

It's apparently a time-consuming practice. To see results, you need to devote a lot of time to it. If you're not able to commit to a regular practice, you may not see the benefits of kundalini yoga.

4. It can lead to physical and mental imbalance

Practising this yoga method can lead to physical and mental imbalance. If you're not careful, you may find yourself in a state of imbalance. This can be dangerous, and it's something you should avoid.

5. You need to be prepared before starting

If you want to try kundalini yoga, it's essential to be prepared before starting. Make sure you understand the risks and disadvantages of this type of yoga. Once you're familiar with them, you can decide if kundalini yoga is suitable.


As you can see, it's essential to be aware of the pros and cons of Kundalini Yoga before you decide to practice. Remember, it comes with many potential benefits, but it also has its risks which are perhaps not severe. However, be sure to weigh these pros and cons before deciding whether to practice kundalini yoga.

Pros and Cons of Kundalini Yoga

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Kundalini yoga do?

The meditation aims to activate your Kundalini energy or shakti. According to some beliefs, this is a spiritual energy that may be found at the base of your spine. When Kundalini Yoga awakens this energy, it's supposed to heighten attention and help you let go of your ego. Yoga of awareness is another name for the practice.

What religion does Kundalini yoga follow?

Shaktism and Tantric Hinduism have an impact on Kundalini Yoga. It is named after the practice of Mantra, Tantra, Yantra, Asanas (or Meditation) that it emphasizes.

Is Kundalini yoga good exercise?

While the goal of Kundalini yoga isn't to increase strength and flexibility like other forms of yoga, it's still a fantastic workout because it incorporates unusual variations of well-known yoga postures that can challenge your body in new ways.

Who created Kundalini Yoga?

Yogi Bhajan is credited with bringing Kundalini yoga to the United States in 1969 at the age of 39, and he founded 3HO, a.k.a. The Happy, Healthy Holy Organization (Sikhs). According to his writings, Yogi Bhajan is a Sikh who serves as the Chief Religious and Administrative Authority for the Sikh Dharma in the Western Hemisphere.

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