Advantages and Disadvantages of Yoga - Yoga Benefits and Risks

Advantages of yoga:

  • Yoga Treats Arthritis
  • Advantages of Yoga for all ages
  • Yoga Helps Reduce Anxiety
  • Yoga helps you focus
  • Yoga is best for Athletes
  • Yoga helps you recover faster

Disadvantages of Yoga:

  • Yoga may induce your blood pressure
  • Physical dangers of yoga
  • Risk of Stroke
  • Hot Yoga is not for everyone
  • Lack of experience or knowledge is risky

Advantages and Disadvantages of Yoga: Yoga, in simple words, means a union between two elements; mind and body. Experts have many elaborations regarding this ancient practice. Originated in India, this technique has a bright history for over five thousand years. The exercises include a series of stretches, breathing techniques, and postures that lead to the overall development and spiritual enlightenment, as explained through ayurvedic scriptures.

Now, followed in many countries, Yoga is proving why many institutions and medical experts are nowadays emphasizing more on this practice and educating people as much as possible. Putting some light on the advantages of Yoga, here are some reasons why you should also exercise it.

What are the Advantages of Yoga?

Many medical institutions conduct research every day on Yoga's benefits and effects, and many of them are surfaced in different media. Most of the studies conducted so far suggest that Yoga has no side effects on the human body and is the safest of all practices. Many chronic ailments can be cured through Yoga, which encompasses Joint Pains, arthritis, Low Blood pressure, heart diseases, and muscular dysfunctions. Apart from physical health, Yoga has proven to be a great support to patients suffering from depression and stress in day-to-day life.

1. Yoga Treats Arthritis

How helpful is Yoga to Arthritis patients? Well, it is medically proven that the much-needed essential and optimum flexibility is provided to our body through Yoga. Therefore, Yoga keeps our body mobile and reduces the chance of developing fatal diseases like Arthritis and Osteoarthritis. Arthritis patients need to take considerate steps towards trying different forms of Yoga, though. Because not all of the moves are deemed suitable for them, regular repetitions of recommended Yoga steps every day can be significantly productive.

2. Advantages of Yoga for all Ages

The best benefit of Yoga Practice, whether at home or school, is that you don’t have to be a certain age to practice yoga. The sooner, the better. There are, however, certain different levels to practice yoga for different age groups and health conditions. The number of repetition and intensity levels also play a vital role for kids and elders. Studies have revealed that yoga for seniors is also advantageous as growing older brings some immobility and immunity-related issues.

3. Yoga Helps Reduce Anxiety

Yoga affects your mind, body, and soul since it's a mind-and-body practice, which follows many types of complementary and integrative health approaches. Yoga brings together physical and mental disciplines that help you achieve peacefulness of body and mind. This also enables you to relax and manage stress and anxiety. Yoga is a perfect combination of putting your entire body, your senses, and your spirit in order through meditation, controlled breathing or Pranayama, and body postures. Hatha yoga, for instance, is an excellent choice for stress management, which is also one of the most common styles of yoga.

4. Yoga Helps you Focus

If you are a student, yoga benefits you in many ways. A mindful practice of yoga postures, breathing, and meditation helps you concentrate better. Yogic exercises such as Kriya and Mudra enhances your memory so you can remember the concepts to score better in your tests. Not only for memory and focus, but yoga mainly involves breathing in such a way that people with irritability issues can bring themselves to a calm state.

5. Yoga is Best for Athletes

Yoga practice gives athletes better stamina and immunity to perform better at sports and gym. Many sports stars are known to practice Yoga as their daily routine. Moreover, Yoga bends and stretches also help ballet dancers since a full physical stretch is given to the body during yoga postures.

6. Yoga Helps you Recover Faster

In contrast to hard gym exercises, yoga follows easy to complicated methods of practice that both work on your muscles and internal organs. Yoga not works on your outer health but also provides countless benefits for your inner body mechanism from liver to kidneys, heart, and lungs. Unlike gym workouts, Yoga methods relax your mind and body while they remain active and rested at the same time. Eventually, your body tends to recover faster as compared to hard workouts.

What are the Disadvantages of Yoga?

The dangers of yoga mainly include injuries that are mostly physical and exhaustive. Many causes of injuries also contribute to the disadvantages of yoga. The reasons for these disadvantages are either negligence or lack of proper knowledge of yoga postures. If practiced in moderation,  meditation and controlled breathing (Pranayama) have no side effects or risks whatsoever.

1. Yoga may Induce your Blood Pressure

Although Yoga is the best way to stay fit and healthy, there are some facts and findings by Telegraph, YogaYoga can also exacerbate carpal tunnel syndrome, destabilize joints, and contribute to tendinitis. It also escalates the blood pressure, which is not a piece of good news for you if you already are taking medication for high blood pressure.

2. Physical Dangers of Yoga

If you have recovered from recent surgeries or medical treatment, practicing yoga may not help you recover faster. Some advanced-level yoga postures like headstands and yoga backbends might trouble you more by aggravating the levels of pain in your body. As published in the International Journal of Yoga Therapy 2008, 62% of Ashtanga Yoga practitioners reported a musculoskeletal injury whose effect lasted long up to a month. Other negative effects of yoga include Back injuries, muscle strain, and glaucoma complications.

3. Risk of Stroke

A rarest rare condition may occur if yoga is practiced excessively or without supervision. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, intense yoga exercises and bends may also lead to serious injuries such as strokes, and nerve damage. Beginner practitioners need to consult a certified teacher to avoid any risks.  

4. Hot Yoga is Not for Everyone

Hot Yoga, also known as Bikram Yoga, is performed under hot and humid conditions where the room temperature is raised more than average. Some may find hot Yoga beneficial, but for some, it may cause a bit of a shambles. Hot Yoga disadvantages include dizziness, exhaustion, dehydration, and fatigue. This type of Yoga is performed under 105 degrees, which is not suitable for if you have heart problems already.

5. Lack of Experience or Knowledge is Risky

An inexperienced instructor and lack of self-knowledge about the right yoga poses are equally dangerous for you. While wrist, neck, spinal, and shoulder injuries are most common during yogic exercises, you must make sure your Yoga Instructor knows how to help you make yoga poses, and how not to overdo them. If you are e beginner and practice yoga at home, it is better to perform the yoga sequence as it is. Jumping straight to the advanced level, yoga is never going to be helpful unless you start from the base that is the simple yoga exercise. Most practitioners make the same mistake that results in physical discomfort.

Also must read: Pros and Cons of Online Yoga Classes

Advantages and Disadvantages of Yoga - Yoga Benefits and Risks

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you lose weight by doing yoga?

YIga is a vast multi-disciplinary technique that is helpful to you in both physical and mental aspects. Increasing your physical activity level through yoga is the first step towards losing weight and burn calories. There is no doubt that yogic stretches and bends burn calories, tone and stretch your muscles, and strengthens your body.

How many days a week should you do yoga?

It is entirely up to how you manage your time and prepare your mind for the practice. However, to reap the best results, you need at least 3-5 times a week of yogic practice. This will give you adequate time for rest and recovery, which will result in a stronger body and a healthy state.

Is yoga better than gym?

Gym workouts are strenuous and involve heavy equipment, which may hurt you accidentally. On the contrary, yoga delivers something better than just shaped and hard muscles. The mindful practices of yoga not only help you build muscles' strength, but also work on your joints, bones, mind, and alleviates pain.

Can you lose belly fat by doing yoga?

With a practice of combining pranayama and yoga poses, you can easily burn belly fats and obtain six-pack. A regular yoga practice can play a role in helping you lose weight and get a toned body.

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