Pros and Cons of HRT

Are you thinking of getting hormone replacement therapy? You may have heard that hormones can help reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. Many people who undergo hormone replacement therapy report an improved quality of life as a result. But before you get started on this journey, it's important to know all the facts. So let's cover some common to critical pros and cons of HRT in detail.

Estrogen therapy or HRT is what around 6 million women in the US prefer to treat menopausal symptoms. Several studies are concluded in favour of HRT; however, there are some contradictory pieces of evidence as well. If you are unsure of which way to go, look at estrogen therapy pros and cons here.

Pros of HRT-Estrogen Therapy

According to the North American Menopause Society, most healthy and recently menopausal women can use HRT to alleviate hot flashes and vaginal dryness symptoms if they want. Provided, women should know the related facts about it. The pros of HRT listed below contain the major points to agree with the facts.

1. Reduced menopausal symptoms

There are so many benefits of HRT. First, it reduces the negative effects of menopause to give women relief from hot flashes and night sweats. It also helps relieve vaginal dryness, mood swings, headaches, and more.

Estrogen therapy is highly effective for most women suffering through debilitating changes in their bodies during this time is quite difficult. Luckily there's hormone replacement therapy that can alleviate these issues caused by low estrogen levels.

2. Better Heart Health is one of the main pros of HRT

The benefits of HRT also include a reduced risk for heart disease. Since menopause results in lower estrogen levels, women are at higher risk for developing cardiovascular health issues like heart attacks and strokes.

The benefit of using hormone replacement therapy is that it can reduce this increased likelihood thanks to its ability to help with cholesterol and blood pressure. This benefit alone makes the risks involved worth taking into consideration.

3. Better bone health

Estrogen Therapy benefits women post-menopause by helping to maintain strong bones. It does this by slowing the rate of bone loss which is why there are so many benefits associated with HRT use.

Unfortunately, when estrogen levels drop after menopause, women are at increased risk of developing osteoporosis. Luckily, not only does HRT help reduce this risk but also helps strengthen bones that have already been affected due to low estrogen levels.

These benefits make treatment well worth considering if you're suffering from other effects caused by low estrogen levels during and after menopause.

4. Improved brain function

Besides preventing Osteoporosis, cardio, and cerebrovascular events, HRT has a positive impact on mental well-being by improving memory and cognition. Even better is that this improved brain function occurs quickly, so you'll see results almost immediately.

These benefits of hormone replacement therapy make treatment worth considering if you're struggling with menopausal symptoms during or after menopause.

5. Improved Mood

It all comes down to hormonal imbalances when you have mood swings and stay irritated all day long. Many women report feeling more optimistic after starting hormone replacement therapy due to a balanced level of estrogen and progesterone.

If you feel like your mood is impacting your quality of life, HRT can help improve it. However, it's important to note that all hormones are different so that the effects may be stronger or weaker for some compared to others.

Some of Cons of HRT to Consider

While estrogen therapy has many benefits, it's not without risks either such as cancer, blood clots, or even elevated blood pressure. So make sure you keep in mind some cons of HRT before getting started with it.

1. Increased risk of blood clots

There are risks to using HRT, which you should be aware of before making your treatment decision. One potential risk is an increased chance of developing blood clots.

For this reason, women who have breast cancer or other diseases that increase the likelihood of these conditions need to avoid hormone replacement therapy because it can lead to serious health risks if used under these circumstances.

2. Breast cancer risks are concerning cons of HRT

A study has found an increased risk in breast cancer with five or more years of continuous estrogen/progestogen therapy, possibly earlier. The risk decreases after hormone therapy stops and does not appear to be caused by use alone for 7+ years, as seen in the Women's Health Initiative trial. However, further research remains necessary.

The study also concludes that there may have been a link between long-term usage (more than two decades) and developing breast disease even if you're on just progesterone alone because both types can elevate your chances.

3. Discomfort or swelling in breasts

Another risk is breast discomfort or swelling. This can occur shortly after starting HRT treatment but usually goes away within a few months. Discomfort may also be felt by women who experience severe menopausal symptoms that do not go away with other medications or therapies used to treat these conditions.

If you're considering hormone replacement therapy, it's important to let your doctor know if you've experienced any side effects like this so they can help adjust the dosage until the right balance is found! However, their quality of life greatly improves for many women, thanks to reducing bothersome menopause symptoms, which makes taking some risks worth it.

4. Stomach aches and bloating

If you're considering taking hormone replacement therapy, it's good to let your doctor know about all the medications and supplements you take.

Bringing some new prescription or over-the-counter drugs along with HRT can have harmful interactions.

Many women experience stomach aches and bloating shortly after starting treatment which is often caused by these negative reactions. Even though these problems seem treatable, but common cons of HRT like these can turn things sour for you.

5. Increase in blood pressure

Additionally, hormone replacement therapy can increase your risk for high blood pressure, which is why it's important to get regular check-ups while taking this medication. This means routine appointments with a doctor so they can monitor your symptoms and help lower the potential risks of treatment.

Remember that not every woman will have these effects or side effects from HRT. Still, you should do everything possible to avoid serious health complications by working closely with a specialist.

Conclusion on Pros and cons of HRT

Before getting started on hormone replacement therapy, make sure you know all the facts to make the best decision for your health. Remember, there are different Pros and cons of HRT that make it worth trying or avoiding.

The crucial factors, nevertheless, are your age and current medical condition. Make sure you consult with a medical professional before getting started on this journey, though.

Pros and Cons of HRT

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the downside of HRT?

Combined HRT is linked to a modest increase in the incidence of breast cancer. The increased risk decreases after you stop taking HRT, and it is linked to how long you take it. You must go to all your breast cancer screening appointments if you're using HRT since this has an elevated chance of developing into breast cancer.

Is it better to take HRT or not?

Overall, it is thought that the overall risks of long-term (more than five years) HRT outweigh the benefits. Therefore, HRT should not be used for disease prevention except in women under 60 with a high risk of bone fractures or during premature menopause.

Will HRT help me lose weight?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) might impact weight reduction in women. According to the same research, in comparison to controls, HRT patients were almost one whole point lower on the body mass index (BMI) scale and had nearly 3 pounds less of fat mass.

Do you gain weight with HRT?

Many women are worried that HRT will cause them to gain weight, but there's no evidence to support this belief. During menopause, you may gain some weight, regardless of whether you take HRT. However, regular exercise and a nutritious diet might help you lose unwanted pounds.

Does HRT make you look younger?

Hormone replacement therapy, or ERT, can make you look younger. Estrogen, especially when combined with progesterone and other hormones, can aid in the reduction of wrinkle formation on the skin. It may also promote hair growth, contributing to a more youthful appearance.

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