Advantages and Disadvantages of Caesarean Delivery

For all the mom-to-be ladies, it is significant to know under what circumstances they may undergo a c-section labor delivery procedure. Whether it is the safest option for them to go with, or it is just a necessary measure to ensure mother and baby are healthy and safe. As a concerned parent, one must be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of Caesarean Delivery procedure and the post-surgical process that follows.

What is Caesarean Section Delivery Method?

Commonly known as the C-section delivery, Cesarean labor delivery is a surgical procedure followed by gynecologists and surgeons for child birthing. In this method, a vertical or horizontal cut is made through the walls of the belly to successfully reach the uterus walls and extract the baby by making another incision. The umbilical cord is separated, and the placenta is removed. When the baby is extracted and separated from the uterus, the abdominal walls are closed with stitches. This method of delivery ideally takes no longer than an hour.

Reasons why C Section Delivery is performed

32% deliveries in the USA are through C-Section: The C-section delivery is performed under the following circumstances:

  1. When labor pain is unbearable for the mother.
  2. When a C-section is opted by the mother.
  3. When the baby is larger.
  4. When a mother has STD that might affect or infect the baby during the normal delivery.
  5. When a mother has couplets or triplets to deliver.
  6. When there is a complication in Placenta.
  7. When there is a complication of the umbilical cord.
  8. When there is no time to decide which surgical method is the right one.

Fast Facts About Birth in the USA (up to 2017)
  • Number of vaginal deliveries: 2,621,010
  • Number of Cesarean deliveries: 1,232,339
  • Percent of all deliveries by Cesarean: 32.0%
  • Average Cost of Uncomplicated Vaginal Birth (2013): 32,093 USD
  • Average Cost of Standard Caesarean Section Birth (2013): 51,125 USD

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of c-section deliveries has risen alarmingly from 2017-2019.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Caesarean Delivery

Like a roller-coaster ride, there are pros and cons of Caesarean delivery one has to consider. What are these? You can spot each here and decide whether or not a c-section delivery is more beneficial for you? You can discuss it with your physician, midwife, family, or friends to clarify the benefits and risks associated with caesarean delivery.

Benefits or Advantages of Caesarean Delivery Method

1. C-Section is better for Premature Delivery

When you don’t have any idea about when the baby is due, such unprecedented circumstances may lead to further complications for both the mother and the baby. C-section delivery is the right way to operate under the given situation. When there is no way to decide, an obstetrician has to perform a caesarean section to save the baby from unexpected dangers of premature birth. Risks of premature birth involve life-threatening problems, which are mainly chronic diseases related to heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, and even physical. A premature delivery happens before the 37th week of pregnancy.

2. C-Section Delivery safeguards the baby from infections

A baby is less susceptible to inherit any infection from the mother if operated through a C-section. In case the mother has a chronic ailment that may pose a threat to the baby like a Sexually Transmitted Disease, the baby can be extracted safely before the offspring gets communicated with the disease. A C-section is always considered safer than Vaginal delivery.

3. C-Section Delivery is done timely

Life is hectic even for the expectant parents; Postpartum care also needs time for about 4 to 6 weeks. This period is when you reshape and regain your health status back to normalcy. A C-section delivery is done in about 1 hour, ensuring the baby is safe in all the manners. On the other hand, if you have planned a standard delivery, the delivery depends on how long you can bear labor pains and let the baby move through the birth canal naturally; no doubt, it is a lengthy process.

C-section prevents vaginal Injury and excessive bleeding

Caesarean section surgery tends to reduce the chances of injury to vaginal walls, and tissues that may tear due to pressure and contraction of the canal, pelvic region, and the womb in case of a Vaginal delivery. The C-section is also beneficial in case if a mother is at risk of excessive bleeding. The wound is stitched right after the baby is extracted from the uterus with sutures and a protective layer of gauze.

What are the Disadvantages of Caesarean Section Delivery?

Caesarean section may reduce the risks of birthing but it also doesn’t suffice that this method is totally secure. Here are some risks of c-section delivery everyone should be familiar with.

1. Post-Surgical Infection

Unlike vaginal delivery, a c-section delivery involves a process of methods that may turn severe if not taken care of properly. The stitch line may cause an infection to grow around the womb. This may induce the formation of abscess in an uncertain amount. It is first required to get your wound examined by the obstetrician and apply remedial methods to keep the vagina away from such infections. You might need to visit the obstetrician multiple times to avoid the infection from spreading.

2. Recovery time is more

This is obvious that a cut on the skin would heal in a longer period than in the case of a natural delivery. During a natural birth, the vagina retracts its walls quicker, and as a mother, you can expect an early discharge from the hospital. While it’s not so in the case of a c-section, you may have to spend a few more days away from home in the maternity room for the follow up in the wound and your mobility issues.

3. C-Section can also be Painful

This experience is the most common for all women who undergo a c-section. The pain can trigger at any time at the location of stitches. This pain can further extend to the abdominal section causing you more discomfort. Usually, this pain may last for about a month or more. If the pain is pervasive, consult your Gynecologist or call your midwife as a precaution.

4. You might more medication after a C-Section birth

If you are planning a C-section for your baby, be reminded that you’ll have to rely more on painkillers, antibiotics, and external ointments to not let the wound affect your health. At this point, you must also consult the pediatrician for their side effects on the baby’s health while breastfeeding. Some medicines might intervene while the mother is lactating, which directly affects the baby’s health.

5. Day-to-day Usual Discomfort

It’s unquestionably more stressful for a mother to wake up and not feel the day-to-day discomfort from sitting to working or relieving. Even peeing becomes difficult at times due to the wound in the womb. You need to make sure to follow every little hygienic measure to keep your urinary tract free from any infections. If the urinary tract shows some symptoms of infection (pain in lower tummy or groin, a high temperature, chills & confusion, or irritation), you need to consult or call your obstetrician right away.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Caesarean Delivery

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the advantages of a cesarean section?

A planned cesarean section delivery lowers the risk of birth injuries such as asphyxia (oxygen deprivation), shoulder dystocia, and fractures to the baby. While this surgical method is performed, chances of blood loss are kept minimal.

Is cesarean delivery better than normal?

A C-section delivery involves making incisions in the mother's abdominal wall and uterus. This is done quickly so as to stop any excessive bleeding from occurring. However, the recovery period for moms is quite longer than that of vaginal birth.

Is it harder to get pregnant after C section?

According to research, getting pregnant within six months after a C-section delivery can hype your risk of complications, such as a ruptured uterus or a low birth weight baby. It may also lead to higher infertility rate due to less immunity.

What are the disadvantages of C section?

Undergoing a C-section increases a mom's risk for more physical complaints after birthing. The usual discomforts include pain or infection at the wounded site, pain in the lower abdomen, or chances of an infection.

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