Advantages and Disadvantages of Plant Based Diet plan

A plant based diet is what comes one hundred percent from plants. The food that is grown on land, consumed in the natural form is termed as Plant based food. The diet based on plants is most significant for Vegans and definitely has counts of benefits on your health.

With little to no side effects and negative effects your health, a plant based diet is safest for you no matter how old you are. Many consider it a Vegan's only diet which is quite not so. A planty based diet is not restricted to anyone. You can add the diet in your meals if you want to just turn the table from the meaty diet to all green food.

Where some people assume a plant based diet plant should not comprise dairy food, some prefer combining this diet with dairy products like Milk, Yogurt, and cheese to reap optimum health benefits. How beneficial plant based food is what comes to a discussion here. More is explained here in detail in the Advantages and Disadvantages of a plant based diet plan.

Advantages of Plant based diet plan

Being educated means being more conscious of what to eat and what not to leave. Plant based food may not taste as delicious as fries or bacon, but this food is magical enough to build you strong and immune to many illnesses and disorders.

A majority of the world’s population is turning vegan be it for health reasons or precautionary measures. Here are some facts that markedly resonate with people’s perception of green and clean food. Let’s see further.

1. Unprocessed Natural Nutrients

A Plant-based diet is loaded with Fiber, Protein, and minerals and high vitamins. You can easily obtain Vitamins like B12, C, and E, D from the food you grow. The type of diet includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains. such a diet is based on a wide range of edibles that are obtained through natural methods of cultivation with zero chemicals or processing.

2. Plant Based Diet Curbs Obesity

Plant based diet prevents various diseases and also acts as a remedy to future health issues. With minimized fat content and more health-friendly nutrients, a plant based diet is a proven cure to obesity. According to scientific studies, people relying on Plant based diets have lower body mass indexes with a lowered rate of obesity, heart risks, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Plant based protein helps in controlling insulin levels in your body ensuring a healthy and active state. Doctors also recommend a plant based diet to cancer patients since this diet is effective to reduce the number of carcinogenic elements in the body.

3. Healthy Bowels and Gut

A palpable benefit of whole food or plant based diet is a healthy digestive system. Animal products and processed foods are a hard nut to crack for our gastric juices. Many people suffer from digestive setbacks due to a lack of a healthy diet.

Green natural food, on the other hand, is easy to digest and move through the digestive tract. Plant based whole-food solves many problems associated with bad gut and gastric troubles. A plate full of healthy green salad can reduce Bowel Inflammation, diverticular disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, fatty liver disease, and smoothen bowel movement.

4. Reduce Inflammation

Plant based foods are all about antioxidants and phytochemicals that are known to reduce inflammation. Alongside many vital minerals, these two elements are essentially recognized as immunity boosters. A prolonged presence of free radicals in your body can damage your body cells and tissues. If not taken care of timely, you might have to face some serious ailments like arthritis.

Get to work before the inflammation sets its sails and puts you at risk; go green and fend off the enemy with antioxidants-rich diet. If you are prepping up to fight off microorganisms and germs, it’s time to pick some fresh fruits and nuts from the store.

5. High on Fiber

Dealing with Fiber is always a nutty job if you are into athleticism. Nuts are a rich source of fiber and promote a sound digestive system. Fiber is what you need if you have a muscular and strenuous routine to follow each day. Fiber can easily be found in many fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

The reason for many athletes to go for a high-fiber diet is to quickly grab the energy and get to the action. A high-fiber diet is also a quick fix to indigestion and gas troubles.

Bonus Read: Advantages & Disadvantages of Hybrid Vegetables

Disadvantages of the plant based diet

1. Interference due to medical condition

In many medical conditions, you can't directly switch to the Plant based diet. If you have diabetes then you must consult your health expert before switching to the Plant based diet wholly. It is always a good thought to have adequate knowledge about what you are about to eat. Many plants and edibles are not suitable for your health and may cause allergies.

2. Plant Based Foods are not completely Pesticides-free

Remember, how and why the fruits appear so healthy and shiny? The use of Pesticides is on rampage these days. Commercially cultivated food may have just arrived in your nearest store without your notice. These pesticides are used to prevent the food from infestations and numerous other threats that can damage the growth of food.

Pesticides rid out the threat but become another serious threat as the traces of chemicals used in pesticides can sit for long enough to reach your plates from the far-away farms.

3. Limited availability

Let’s come to terms with the fact here. You can’t always get what you need around you. The whole foods are inaccessible in some parts of the world like middle-east. When you start eating a plant based diet then you have to be very clear that, you will face problems while eating some specific places. As many places have limited options for eating plant based food. Also, many restaurants have very limited Plant based foods. Either it would cost you double or you may not have the luxury to have all the necessary diet that fits your health.

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4. You may not obtain all the nutrition

Consuming a plate full of Plant based diet doesn’t mean you are consuming an ample amount of vitamins and minerals. Some nutrients still miss out which results in a lack of supply of sufficient elements. This is why many nutritionists suggest that if you are moving to the Plant based diet, then move slowly. Add more green vegetables, nuts, fruits in your diet so to replenish nutrition.

5. Not all Plant based food is fresh

Given that this type of food is limited, the possibility of 24X7 availability of fresh plant based foods is not always 100 percent. Also, you may not have an idea of where or how the food is grown. How long did your food take to reach you? Or How healthy your food is by the time you have it. Consuming stale food may also put you at several risks like poisoning and other health issues. Your body may not be ready to sustain the sudden strike of stale meals.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Plant Based Diet plan

Frequently Asked Questions

Is taking Plant based diet completely a good choice?

Taking a Plant based diet completely depends on many factors. Like first you have to consult your Nutritionist if you have any health issues. There are certain foods that immunize different body organs. These foods are available throughout the year and help you rid many deficiencies.

What is a Plant based diet?

A plant based diet consists of entirely natural foods that you can grow in your garden. Plant based food includes all fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs, and spices. Since this diet comes from all the way from natural sources, Dieticians and Nutritionists also recommend this vegan diet plan.

Is it difficult to get enough protein on a plant based diet?

It is completely possible to get enough protein on a plant based diet. Because most of the plants contain proteins and minerals. half a cup of peas contains 7g of proteins. The same amount of protein is found in 1 ounce of meat or fish. There are different plant based diet combinations that give you a similar amount of proteins as compared to a non plant based diet.

What foods can you eat on a plant based diet?

You can eat every vegan food that falls in the category of Whole Grains, Vegetables, Legumes, Seeds, Fruits, and Plant Based oils. Dairy products are also included in the Plant based diet.

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