Advantages of Training and Development:
Disadvantages of Training and Development:
Staff Training and Development is essential from the viewpoint of making your employees up-to-date with the advancing technology. Whether industrial, marketing, or commercial, every sector depends on technology to enhance human capital, gain a competitive edge, and ensure employee satisfaction. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Training and Development detail further about how it shapes the employers and employees.
Implementing staff training and Development program helps in the professional development or career advancement of the employees. Training the staffs important as they are valuable assets for a company. Employees need the skill and knowledge to meet the business goals by overcoming the challenges.
With proper assistance and training employees can boost company’s productivity and gain experience and rewards. Highly skilled and efficient workforce can take an organization to script new success stories.
Joinees get to communicate effectively with their mentors and colleagues within the organization. This is where employees understand the company’s values, vision, and goals. Employees need to familiarize themselves with the learning process, assess the performance and effectiveness.
This part is somewhat the company’s responsibility as they have to find the right employees. Selecting the right fit can be a challenge for HRDs as you need to recruit the candidates based on your organization's requirements.
A company invests both time and money in a new employee to enhance their skills fitting in the criteria and turning them into a valuable asset to the organization. The HR team must have the right strategy and approach to recruit the best of employees and train them whenever required.
Appreciating and incentivizing employees on achievements is also an essential role to play for an organization. Doing so motivates the staff, and they can work with freedom adding value to your brand.
Hold meetings, let the employee have their say, take their feedback, and consider helping them advance their careers.
Employee Training and Development Program benefits the staff as they can improvise their skills in accordance with the advancing technology. Every business industry undergoes constant changes, and hence employees need to be educated and updated with the latest market trends.
With regular training and skill development modules, the employees gain job satisfaction and security. When staff is satisfied and high on motivation, a company can reap the optimum benefits in terms of attendance and work efficiency.
As workers grow familiar with the latest technology, there is much or no supervision required. A well-trained employee is well accustomed to the job-role and is less prone to errors.
Less supervision and monitoring means a company can save much time and effort on their workers. Managers can focus on other significant processes to yield productive results.
Employees with polished skills and expertise in their areas are most likely to get clear passage to get promoted to higher roles. Being a valuable asset to the company’s growth, trained workers with optimum knowledge are recognized by their superior authority for promotion. This is one of the advantages of training and development programs.
With satisfaction, optimum skillset, ample knowledge, and experience, employees contribute to its productivity. Overall growth becomes proportional to worker’s efficiency and hence increases the brand value of an organization. The employees achieve quantity and quality performance as they are aware of their roles & responsibilities.
Cost cuts on additional equipment and materials could be one of the greatest advantages of training and skill development programs for the company. An educated worker is better at efficiently utilizing the company’s resources. Getting training on the latest technology and equipment also ensures that there will be less wastage, errors, or damage to the organization’s property.
If things go unmanaged, there can be some shortcomings of Training and Development program a company or a worker may face at times. Here are some of the concerning ones to consider.
Conducting a Training and skill development program costs both time and money for the company. Affording a Trainer, installing equipment, and upgrading the infrastructure can be a task at hand for the HR team.
Advanced training compared to In-house certainly costs more and can disturb the company’s budget when paying both the staff and the trainer. Also, the time employees can use for office-related operations is taken by another training and development program which hinders productivity.
Employees are oftentimes asked to participate in the skill development program after ending their shifts. This extra time hard to manage as they are less likely to spend it with their families.
On the other hand, in order to stay up to date with the latest trends and knowledgeable in a specific area, the training hours can extend further. This, in return, can make the staff more stressed out rather than motivated.
Some training and development programs may include heavy use of theory and practical information that can be hard to understand for workers. In some departments, skill development programs are based on too much of theory than application. Plenty of theoretical instructions and data can be confusing or boring.
Employees are also humans who have a limit to sit and listen around. If a training session is longer than usual, the employees will most likely get tired and disinterested in their session. The same situation can arise when the training sessions are held with repeated data and theory concepts.
A prepared and polished worker is ready to jump to another organization that offers good perks and salary. The market is full of competitors who want their employees with the same or advanced skills. Workers can switch to a better job given that they acquire in-depth knowledge and experience. Whether an employee stays after training or not is one of the most dreaded Disadvantages of Training and Development for an organization.
With the above-mentioned Advantages and Disadvantages of Training and Development, staffers and workers can grab the idea from different aspects. Staff training and skill development programs are the need of the hour for various benefits. The key factors that outweigh the drawbacks are overall growth and a well-trained workforce. Management teams can deduce a plan in terms of cost and good use of their time to overcome the possible issues with Training and development.
In general, human resources are responsible for obtaining and retaining top employees, boosting job satisfaction and morale, increasing productivity, and generating greater revenue. Furthermore, firms with actively interested and dedicated workers have a 41% lower absenteeism rate and a 17% higher productivity.
1. Employees may move to a competitor and use their talents there.
2. The expense of educating never fades away.
3. Incorrect training results in incorrect outcomes.
4. Some people learn well from reading material, while others watch video lectures.
5. It might lead to anger.
Training is a form of education that allows workers to improve their abilities, competencies, and learning as needed after they've completed their duties. Development is a process that mainly aids in the employee's comprehension of the overall development and improvement of their skills.
The employees can increase their performance by receiving the required training and development. Furthermore, training courses assist employees in enhancing their attitude towards their job, which is also a key component for enhanced performance.