Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Energy

With the global climate change showing up on a considerable scale, countries are shifting to rely on sustainable renewable energy sources. Wind energy is the only energy source that is always available and leaves no carbon print. Unlike Solar energy, you don’t have to worry about places like Antarctica or Alaska because the absence of Sun or abundance of snow can’t affect wind energy at all. Given that wind energy is the next on the list of leanest energy sources, here are some Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Energy.

Wind Energy Facts

In the U.S. alone, the power sector is responsible for the emission of greenhouse gases (about 38%). The reason is coal, which, while burning, produces 40% power and 70% greenhouse gases. Wind energy is not only a natural source but also a renewable one that costs the environment almost nothing. As experts suggest that, this clean source of energy can supply power to more than 20% of families in the U.S. alone and contribute to electricity production worldwide drastically.

Switching to Solar and wind energy is a sustainable way to save the planet from global warming and initiate the backup plan for the future. As many countries have already implemented and tested turbines, some of the pros and cons of wind energy are clear to perception. Here are the facts and noticeable advantages and disadvantages of Wind energy.

Wind Energy vs Solar Energy

There are both pros and cons of using wind energy over solar energy you need to consider before choosing one of the renewable sources of energy. Provided the fact, wind energy vs solar energy doesn’t contribute to future concerns, you need to note the slight differences by yourself. Here are some to help you figure out.

The Advantages of Wind Energy?

Many benefits are associated with the use of wind energy. The fact that this source opens up a broad spectrum of purposes and scope for a balanced eco-system also enable us to hope that there are ways to look at the brighter picture. Let’s dive in to know what the advantages of wind energy are.

1. Advantages of Wind Energy - Sustainable and Renewable

Knowing that we are left with a limited number of natural energy sources, wind energy is not only the future hope but also assists us to consider using the sources that will deplete one day. Wind energy is both renewable and sustainable energy source followed by solar energy. Encouraging use of such sources, we can make better use of fossil fuels more efficiently without decimating the environment.

2. Wind Environment-friendly

How wonderful that would be to not only breathe the clean air but also utilize it to power your house. There is zero Carbon emission and zero air pollution when electricity is produced through wind energy turbines.

The wind energy is the critical role player since you don’t have to use combustible energy courses to generate electricity in the areas where you have no option for hydroelectricity. Wind energy turbines are the best way to make sure no gases are released to pollute the air further.

3. Wind Energy is Free

Burning fuel and processing it for electricity production costs money. Unlike these sources, wind energy gives a better option to produce electricity without an overhead that also gives you a viable option to cut your electricity bills. You can easily manage your expenses on other things without any worries.

4. Wind Energy Benefits in Utilization of your Space

With no carbon footprints, wind energy turbines not also take a little space on your land. This is most beneficial for farmers since the towers are high above the ground that can't impact the crops or grazing animals. Such windmills with huge wind energy turbines are installed either at the hilltop, seas or in the large farm fields. These turbines seldom affect the surrounding earthly life.

5. Wind Energy Jobs

According to the statistics provided by the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, the US wind sector employed over 100,000 workers and wind energy technicians in 2016. The number of Wind energy jobs have been plummeting for the last ten years in the wind energy sector. Wind Vision Reports, US also predicts that there are more than 600,000 jobs expected in the maintenance, manufacturing, installation, and supporting services by 2050.

7. Wind Energy Can Provide Power For Remote Locations

Wind energy turbines can play a vital role in the supply of clean and lossless electricity to remote locations. Being one of the most significant advantages of wind energy, supply of electricity to remote areas is easier. People who have been living in off-grid remote regions can access better facilities with their homes powered. The shortcomings of conventional electricity supplies are overcome through wind energy turbines.

Also Read: Pros and Cons of Solar Energy and Solar Panels

The Disadvantages of Wind Energy?

With counts of benefits of wind energy, certain wind energy disadvantages may make you wonder whether to go for it or not. The size of wind energy turbines being a common concern, these are some of the significant disadvantages of wind energy.

1. The Wind Fluctuates

Though wind energy supersedes solar energy, it has a somewhat similar drawback to solar power. One of the significant disadvantages of wind energy is wind doesn't blow always. This may interrupt the process of electricity production and may cause a problem for farm developers or residents. The investors and wind energy companies, therefore, have to spend a significant amount of their time speculating whether a site is good enough to generate uninterrupted power through wind energy turbines or not.

2.Installing Wind Energy Turbines is Costly

Even though the costs of utilizing wind energy are less, but wind energy turbines can be costly during installation. The cost also amounts to transportation, wind energy technician, company, services, and maintenance. From inspection and survey to the fixing of turbine blades, you have to add it all up to the expenses. Installing wind energy turbines at sea is ever costlier than farmlands as you have to ship all the machinery through waterways. The transportation process is more complicated that eventually, increases the overall costs. When we take the above into account for offshore wind farms, the costs become much higher. Installing structures out at sea is far more complicated than on land. Some companies have even commissioned bespoke ships capable of transporting and installing wind turbines at sea.

3. Wind Energy Turbines endanger wildlife

Birds and Bats are at the risk of colliding with rotating blades of wind energy turbines. As researchers state that they are less dangerous than airlines and cell phone masts, but there is still a little you need to consider while switching to wind energy since they add to death rates in birds and bats.

4. Wind Turbines Create Noise Pollution

One of the most commonly experienced disadvantages of wind energy turbines is the noise pollution they generate, as reported by residents and passersby. Even from a distance, the noise created by wind energy turbines is disturbing enough to ruin your peaceful mood. If you reside or spend most of your time at your farm, the noise might become more annoying. Due to the possible audible effects of wind energy turbines, the government strictly recommends installation in areas far from the population.

5. Wind Energy Turbines Create Visual Pollution

To some or many, the idea of installing a wind turbine ruining natural view would be really saddening. Installing a Wind energy turbine is, in fact, a way to destroy the beauty of natural landscapes. This also leads to visual pollution and is more often treated like an eyesore by according to many people.

Wind Energy vs Solar energy Facts:
  • Wind Energy compared to Solar Energy is quite cleaner since there is zero carbon footprint and doesn’t affect the environment.
  • Wind Energy Turbines tower doesn’t take up much space as compared to solar energy panels.
  • Wind Energy is available 24X7 365 days a year. Snowfall or daylight doesn’t have to do anything with electricity generation and utilization. Wind energy over solar energy is a better option in this case.
  • Solar Energy is guaranteed to work for a long period. On the other hand, wind energy requires cost for maintenance work.
  • Solar energy over Wind energy is beneficial when your individual use or a limited space.
  • Wind Energy vs Solar Energy cost is nearly the same, though wind energy requires a one-time installation of wind energy turbines and provides a more reliable method to back up your electricity needs. Solar Panel costs go as per your wattage plans.
  • Wind energy can be used to supply power to an entire village or community.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Energy

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the advantages of wind energy?

Wind energy is a clean and power renewable source of energy, you can install wind energy turbines on existing farmlands and ranches. Also, the wind energy sector is expected to grow with better and sustainable methods hence providing career opportunities to many.

What are the disadvantages of wind energy?

Two leading disadvantages of wind energy are the Cost of installation and dependency on blowing winds. There are several factors that contribute to the drawbacks, such as owning a large piece of land, noise pollution caused by the turbines, and maintenance to deal with technical problems.

Wind energy vs solar energy

Wind Energy emits no greenhouse gases, effective during the day as well as night, and people don't have to worry even if the weather is snowy or humid. Solar energy panel is easy to install and you can utilize solar energy as per your need in terms of wattage.

Where is wind energy more effective On-Shore or Off-shore?

Wind Turbines are safer and more reliable when installed off-shore. The wind blows regularly and constantly at the sea as compared to land. Off-shore wind energy turbines also cause less damage to wildlife and are not disturbing to people since the noise caused by the turbines is terminated by the sea.

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