Coronavirus impact: Advantages & disadvantages of COVID-19 Crisis

The world has come to a standstill due to the Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic led by Novel coronavirus. This outbreak is the kind that will be etched on everyone’s memories forever.

But what are the positive transformation it brought to earthlings besides the adversities? Impacts and Consequences of COVID 19 Crisis detail a few positive impacts and feared consequences forced upon by COVID-19 Pandemic.

Positive Impact (Advantages) of COVID-19 Pandemic – The Favorable Outcomes

Apart from turning life upside down, every sector has kaput due to Novel Coronavirus spread. With a fair estimation, experts predict to have come up with vaccination by 2021.

As of now, major-to-little transformations are occurring in daily life, as every business comes to a halt. Some of the changes need be taken positively as a little of positivity can help a lot. Here are some possible advantages of coronavirus crisis that can enlighten humanity towards a better future.

1. Positive Impact in Blooming Environment

With people sheltered at their homes, wildlife has improved drastically. From dirty canals of Venice to the worshipped River Ganges of India, thanks to the lockdown that kept people and pollutant effluents away from the water bodies.

This considerable improvement in water quality is also beneficial for marine life. The first things that became the centre of attraction for many were the sightings of rare dolphins playing around the shores of the Ganges after canals of Venice.

One of the Positive Effects of Coronavirus on environment counts for animals living on the edge of extinction due to human interference. Putting a hold on deforestation, encroachment, and hunting has emerged as the considerable benefit of COVID-19 pandemic for nearly extinct species.

2. Improved Air Quality

A substantial dip in the air quality index of major cities has come as the most surprising advantage of lockdown for metropolitan cities around the world. A cessation in the emission of air pollutants emanating from industries and automobiles has vitalized the air quality.

Improved air quality is imperative for the survival of all the living creatures which seems to be missing in Global business hubs like Delhi, New York, Hubei, Seoul, London, and Northern Italy.

This global transformation is what the environment is compensated with by the emergence of Novel Coronavirus. Although countries have lost much more than what’s recoverable, it’s unfair to say COVID-19 disease has devastated nature.

3. World on the Reset Button

A global outbreak treats every country the same; there are no second thoughts on how catastrophic it can be. Where developed nations face feared Consequences of Coronavirus Crisis, the developing and backward countries have faced similar situations.

COVID-19 is construed as a reset button for the uplifted as well as a struggling economy considering the long-term impacts. The bottom line will be surviving this devastating hit to restore the balance and restart the progressive journey.

4. Togetherness and Oneness

People of different faith, creed, caste, and religions stepping forth to contribute social services is one of the remarkable step taken during such a testing phase of life. Bad times indeed bring you closer together. Checking up on each other, sharable moments with the nearest and dearest ones are somewhere buried beneath the daily-life hassles.

Staying indoors springs the chances to stay closer with your loved ones and share the memories. According to a report by The Sun, 2000 parents found that spending time at home gave parents and kids to bond better.

Another example can be taken as a positive outcome of coronavirus crisis where people from Indian states volunteered to support the vulnerable section of the society by supplying them essentials for survival. This humane deed is the kindest and bravest example of unity and oneness disregarding any religious differences.

5. Preparedness for Future

A shortage of medical supplies such as PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) raises alarming questions on preparedness outlining the shortcomings of every nation. Despite making claims to be the world’s most influential nations, many fell short on the parameters to contain the widespread.

The impact of Novel Coronavirus was huge that medical experts and field health workers faced a shortage of medical supplies. This trembling fact has set off the alarm on the lack of preparedness of healthcare systems during a major setback. However, the Post-COVID-19 phase is expected to better, and every state would hopefully be ready for the next wave.

6. Personal Improvements

With nothing much to at home besides work, you tend to follow a healthy routine acclimating to your homely environment. For those habitual of smoking and drinking, this is the crystal chance to purge your lifestyle.

In India, people had no access to Tobacco and Liquor amid the lockdown. This ban on the sale of addictive substances improved many people’s health.

Heeding to the fact that Novel Coronavirus clings itself to smoke, many countries put in place a ban on the sale of cigarettes. This measure quite worked out to curb the virulent disease to some extent.

Negative Impacts of Coronavirus Crisis – Dreaded Disadvantages of COVID-19

The darker side is of major concern for everyone in terms of economy and growth. Compared to individuals, the ongoing pandemic crisis poses big-time dangers to humans as well as growth. See future concerns briefly detailed in the feared consequences of COVID-19 Crisis.

1. Uncertain Human Casualties

Spreading exponentially across the world, the threatening Impact of COVID 19 is the concerning number of casualties and still counting. As of 30th April 2020, over 3.2 million cases have been confirmed out of which 229,331 patients have succumbed to the virulent disease.

Without any prior predictions, health ministries are clueless about when it’s going to stop.

2. Job Losses - Massive Impact on Livelihood

From Aviation to IT sector, Industrial to Administrative departments, nations have hinted to reduce jobs die to this sudden economic backlash. The COVID-19 aftermath is much worse and broader in terms of business growth and global fiscal deficit.

According to recent stats, the number of job cuts due to COVID in the US is speculated to 47 million with the unemployment rate hitting as high as 32% in the next year. The data tells no different story in India, UK, and the Middle East.

3. Negative Impacts of COVID 19 Pandemic on Migrants

Fewer job opportunities for everyone clearly indicates that the migrant workers have nowhere to go except for searching localized options for survival. According to a survey, around 200 migrants contributed to the workforce in the US who sent $715 Billion home in 2019.

Be it America or other states; migrant workers generally work in sectors that are majorly vulnerable at times of an economic downturn and have fewer employee protection plans.

4. Toppling Stock Market

The next couple of years are expected to be topsy-turvy for the stock market as every nation has faced the dangers of coronavirus on the economy. With no economic progress at all during June 2020 quarter, the share market will start from a recession-like situation recovering at a slower pace.

The post-pandemic stage is will probably be base to boost the economic structure, and the stock market will move positively. Nothing can’t be predicted how long it will take.

5. Long-haul Impact on Tourism and Transportation Sector

Tourism and Transportation sectors generate sizeable revenue in every country. Besides offering counts of employment opportunities to citizens, these sectors are scrutinized due to the direct impact of COVID-19 disease.

Many countries have banned the entry of foreigners to contain the virulent disease. These restrictions may take years to lift as the former sectors are the primary cause for spraying SARS-CoV-19.

Coronavirus impact: Advantages & disadvantages of COVID-19 Crisis

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the positive outcomes of COVID 19 Pandemic?

Lockdown implemented during the coronavirus outbreak results in reduced human movements and low emission of pollutants and industrial effluents. Not only has the air quality improved, but also water bodies have cleaned up over time.

What are the impacts of coronavirus pandemic on global economy?

Lessons learned from the past- the Big short of 2008 brought the US economy to knees. But this time, it not just America. Where economists predict that the pace of economic rebound will be as faster as its slump, it's still unclear how long the recovery may take.

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