Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

Humans are more directed by the voices of Siri, Aria, and Alexa. Ever wonder who sits behind those voices? The answer will be getting clearer as you read on. As humans become more dependent on machines, Artificial Intelligence leads the way to the benchmarks that once were impossible to imagine. In Healthcare, Research & Development, and even handling Big Data, AI has a variety of applications. AI techniques have become an essential part of the technology industry, helping solve many challenging modern science and research problems. AI is the entry point to the human capability of advanced learning. But how the technology actually scales up for humans, and the Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence explore further.

But first, What is Artificial Intelligence?

Think of a robot doing everything a human does, learning, thinking, strategizing, and carrying out complicated tasks through programmed algorithms when a machine is programmed to think and process just like humans.

In simple words, AI-based machines can accomplish tasks just like humans; the only difference is that they do it through programmed instructions. The advantages of Artificial intelligence applications are enormous that can revolutionize any professional sector.

What are the Applications of Artificial Intelligence?

AI has been adapted everywhere and is expected to go beyond as every industry in the 21st century sets foot into the advanced and automated methodology. Following are some common Applications of Artificial Intelligence.

  • E-commerce
  • Healthcare Industry
  • Gaming Industry
  • Robotics
  • Human Resources
  • Automobile Industry
  • Navigation

What are the Advantages of Artificial Intelligence?

Every technology is invented to bring humans comfort and ease of doing something. AI-based technology has reasons to exist. These Advantages of Artificial Intelligence can be a perfect answer to this question.

1. Accuracy and Efficiency

The AI-based machine can outperform humans in terms of accuracy and efficiency. The pre-programmed algorithms are an answer to even the most complicated formulas that a human can’t solve.

This capability of also Artificial Intelligence also minimizes human-made errors as the level of accuracy is 100%. For example, Chess game in computers is entirely based on Artificial Intelligence which isn’t impossible but hard to beat. The game is built on pre-calculated moves that can detect the opponent’s actions at the outset.

2. AI-enabled devices are Self-aware

Every device and mechanism based on Artificial Intelligence has its codes and instructions to function. These machines and self-aware and respond according to the user input.

Google Assistant, GPS Navigation system and Virtual Assistants such as Siri (Apple), Alexa (Amazon), and Aria (Microsoft) are all examples of the latest AI-based technology. The Virtual assistants are configured in such an interactive way that more feels humanistic and aware of what they are asked and how they react.

3. AI handles large data is smoothly

Humans are more vulnerable to making errors while computing extensive numerical data. This incurs time, money, and effort. With humans, the probability of mistakes is higher as information becomes bulkier. However, an AI-based mechanism takes care of heavy information smoothly and instantly.

With concepts like Big Data Analytics, the decisions are taken from the previously gathered information by applying a particular set of algorithms. So there are no errors but higher accuracy. Share market and weather exchange are the best examples in this case.

4. AI is Tireless and Faster

The machine doesn’t feel tired after hours of work, which is amazingly one of the best benefits of Artificial Intelligence. AI-based technology as a replacement for humans could help a company save a lot in resources and manpower.

The human mechanism depends on certain factors like atmosphere, work culture, and replenishments. With higher accuracy at work, machines replacing humans means 100% attendance & timely production, and less burden for Human Resources Department.

5. Artificial Intelligence has Transformed the Healthcare sector

A remarkable contribution to the healthcare sector is one of the advantages of Artificial Intelligence in human history. It’s machine intelligence that doctors can diagnose patients and their health risks. Simulations before surgeries have also reduced real-time complications & casualties to a greater extent.

Doctors and scientists have developed prosthetics for veterans and Persons with Disabilities that can be controlled with their minds. Further studies are underway to improve AI-powered inventions and transform human lives.

What are the Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence?

Relying too much on machines for basic needs could emanate new problems for humans. With the pros come the drawbacks; hence, the following are some Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence that still need consideration.

1. AI Implementation is Expensive

Designing the algorithms, testing them, and finally deploying them through hardware and software mechanisms can be expensive. The costs could project to higher in terms of maintenance and upgrades.

All the Artificial Intelligence-based systems need costs for planning, development, and establishments that only a few companies can afford.

2. More Facilities Kill Human Creativity

Smartphones are getting smarter; humans are getting dumber. The statement may sound funny but ultimately fits in the context. Human reliance on technology will make them less creative and shrink their thinking capacity. From a consumer’s viewpoint, human logic incorporated in machines will lead humans to use less reasoning skills.

Virtual Reality has become the new normal, and the future generation is prone to suffer the consequences of humans depending on technology today.

3. Machines need Upgrades

Although based on human intelligence, AI-based machinery would need upgrades with changing times. One of the most noticeable drawbacks of Artificial Intelligence is machines can’t reprogram themselves. Ultimately, human intervention would be required to keep them updated with future standards and protocols.

Virtual assistants have been programmed to generate response to user inputs. The course codes cannot be altered or patched by the machine itself. Therefore, an input method or algorithm changes, the AIs will be subject to reassessment and rebuilding.

4. Unemployment

According to McKinsey’s 2-year long study, companies in the race to grab a strong foothold in the market would replace the workforce with AI-based machines. This has started happening in many countries. Resultantly, by 2030 robots are expected to replace at least 30% of human labour worldwide.

The figure is striking enough, with no solution or alternatives for those whose jobs are at stake. Every organization is looking to replace the minimum qualified individuals with AI machines that can perform the same tasks with higher efficiency and without breaks.

5. The Human Factor

It’s a machine, after all, that learns how to carry out day-to-day tasks efficiently, but will a machine ever be able to feel like a human? One of the concerning disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence is the machines lacking emotions, empathy, and social and cultural ethics.

Interaction is the primary attribute of humans ever, whether parents to kids or Employer to employees. On the contrary, machines cannot bond with humans because they are just programmed to respond to requests and queries. They still require human intervention at some point to resolve any issue at a human level.

6. Glitches and Exceptions

Every program has a flaw or glitch which may surface due to unusual requests or queries. No machine is perfect, and due to a specific set of instructions, AI machines are bound to perform a limited number of tasks.

Machines can judge what’s right or wrong from a human’s perspective; they are more focused on getting things done. For example, machines cannot understand ethics, laws, and decision-making abilities as per the given circumstances. It may be the time to recall Sully's dialogue, "Can We Get Serious Now?"


With the critical points evaluated in the Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence, it's up to today's users whether or not to adapt to this technology completely. Given its contribution to the healthcare and industrial sectors, AI has improved lives in terms of livelihood and economy. The question remains of its impacts on human civilization if it falls into the wrong hands.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 3 negative effects of artificial intelligence?

1. Humans are the ones who construct AI algorithms, and those who inject them into the system may have preconceived notions about how they should perform.
2. Your job might be eliminated.
3. A change in Human Experience.
4. Global Regulations.
5. Advanced Hacking.

What are the disadvantages of AI in education?

1. Lack of Humans Interaction.
2. Unemployment for Teachers.
3. Financial troubles.
4. Decrease in Emotional Intelligence.
5. Addictive Use of AI Technology.

What are the effects of artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence has the potential to vastly enhance our organizations' efficiency by automating parts of human work. When AI performs routine or hazardous tasks, it frees up people to perform work that is more suited to them—tasks requiring creativity and empathy, among other abilities.

What negative impact of artificial intelligence and technology do you see on society?

One of society's major worries is that with the advance of artificial intelligence, many jobs characterized by a degree of repetition will be automated. The more automated occupations there are, the more individuals will be forced to leave their employment.

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